Exam Specifications & Study Materials
Study materials that can help candidates prepare for the CAIP exam can be accessed here.
In addition, check out:
AORN Prep for Infection Prevention Certification Online (12 CH)
This interactive, self-paced online class addresses all domains of the CAIP exam and ASC-specific responsibilities. A pre-test is included to gauge knowledge, along with a post-test in each module, and a 100-question practice exam. The course also comes with bonus 6-month access to eGuidelines plus. This limited, complimentary access includes the online AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Practice and some implementation tools (key takeaways, clinical FAQs, audit tools, case studies, clinical calculators, in-service PowerPoints, clinical checklists, gap analysis tools, implementation roadmaps, positioning, skin prep, room set up, instruments, and many more.). This program is approved for up to 12.0 hours of AEUs and up to 0.0 hours of IPCHs by BASC Provider #0102.
Achieving CAIP certification provides evidence of education, training and competence in infection prevention.
It can also support that the ASC infection control program is founded on infection control knowledge and excellence in practice. With the CAIP certification, ASC infection preventionists can show they are committed to developing the highest level of infection control skills.
Let’s get started. Download the CAIP candidate handbook today.
For potential candidates seeking information about the CAIP certification process.