Obtaining IPCH Credits

IPCH Credits

All Certificants are required to obtain at least six Infection Prevention Contact Hours (IPCHs) in each of the five major content areas for a total of IPCHs in a three-year recertification cycle.

1. Infection Prevention Program Development, Implementation, & Maintenance,
2. Infection Prevention Education and Training,
3. Surveillance, Data Collection & Analysis,
4. Infection Prevention Strategies, and
5. Instrument/Equipment Cleaning, Disinfection & Sterilization


All certificants must pay the annual fee of $75 during the payment period of October 1 – December 31 every year or their credential will be revoked. There will be no extension period allowed.


All certificants must submit 30 IPCHs (six 6 IPCHs in each of the five content areas) once in their three-year recertification cycle by December 31 of their three-year recertification cycle and pay the annual fee or their credential will be revoked. There will be no extension period allowed.

Effective January 1, 2019

No self-reported (unapproved) Continuing Education Hours will be accepted. The certificant will have to obtain AEUs from an approved provider. It is the responsibility of the certificant to verify that they are a BASC approved provider prior to taking the course. A list of approved providers is located at www.aboutcaip.org.

When a clinician decides to obtain certification in a specialty, I believe it demonstrates that the individual is motivated to continue learning, and it demonstrates initiative because they took the Read More…

Ann Geier, MS, RN, CNOR, CASC™

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