Prepare for the exam by taking the CAIP Practice Exam. Check out the Practice Exam page for more information. Click Here
Listen to ASCA’s The Advancing Surgical Care Podcast to find out more about CAIP.

the Candidate Handbook to get started.
What is CAIP?
Certified Ambulatory Infection Preventionist (CAIP) is the first certification designed specifically for infection preventionists in the ASC industry.

The CAIP certification distinguishes the infection preventionist as a leader devoted to ambulatory surgery infection prevention standards and best practices and is a symbol of dedication to personal development.

Exam Dates
Find out when you will have the next opportunity to take the CAIP exam. Mark your calendar!

Learn why so many ASC professionals appreciate the value of earning the CAIP credential.

Featured CAIP Certificant
Linda Belmonte of Inova Surgery Centers
Linda Belmonte, BSN, MSA, CAIP, is an infection preventionist/quality consultant for Inova Surgery Centers in Falls Church, Virginia. In this position, she supports four ASCs.
Read full interview.
Featured Educational Opportunities
The following are a sample of organizations offering educational opportunities for CAIP credits that are open to the public.
Achieving CAIP certification provides evidence of education, training and competence in infection prevention.
It can also support that the ASC infection control program is founded on infection control knowledge and excellence in practice. With the CAIP certification, ASC infection preventionists can show they are committed to developing the highest level of infection control skills.