Upcoming Exam Dates

Application dates for 2024 are January 1-31 for the March Exam and August 1-31 for the October Exam

The exam window dates for the CAIP exam are available the whole month that it’s offered. Candidates can choose/select the date that they want to schedule the exam as long as it’s within the exam window.
Exam Months:
March and October

Potential candidates seeking information about the CAIP certification process should download the CAIP Candidate Handbook. The handbook provides everything you need to know about the CAIP exam.

Be sure to review the CAIP Candidate Handbook for the application requirements and the materials to be submitted.

“Achieving CAIP certification provides evidence of education, training and competence in infection prevention. It can also support that the ASC infection control program is founded on infection control knowledge and excellence in practice. With the CAIP certification, ASC infection preventionists can show they are committed to developing the highest level of infection control skills.”


Let’s get started. Download the CAIP candidate handbook today.

For potential candidates seeking information about the CAIP certification process.

Download the Handbook